Hello, Lykkers! Ever wondered why Thai iced tea stands out in the crowded world of beverages? It's not just another tea; it's a cultural phenomenon straight from the bustling streets of Thailand, where it's known as ''Cha-Yen.''

Let's dive into the delicious world of this iconic drink and learn how to make it right at home!

Originating from Thailand, the main ingredients of Thai tea include aromatic black tea leaves, orange blossom water, star anise, tamarind powder, and orange food coloring. This combination imparts a unique flavor that is rich and refreshing.

<h3>Brewing the Perfect Thai Tea</h3>

<b>1.Start with Quality Tea:</b>

Thai tea traditionally uses a brand known as ''Cha Tra Mue,'' which translates to ''Number One Brand'' in English. This brand has its roots in a traditional Chinese tea shop in Thailand's Chinatown, known initially for importing Chinese teas. However, as preferences evolved, they shifted to black tea, which is now the backbone of Thai iced tea.

<b>2.Prepare the Tea:</b>

Brew the tea leaves with boiling water. Ensure the tea is strong, as it forms the base of the drink.

<b>3.Sweeten Up:</b>

Add sugar and condensed milk to the brewed tea while it's still hot. Stir well until everything is fully dissolved.

<b>4.Chill: </b>

Fill a glass with crushed ice, then pour the sweetened tea over the ice.

<b>5.The Creamy Top:</b>

Finally, drizzle some evaporated milk over the top for a silky finish.

You've Probably Never Had Real Thai Tea!

Video by Pailin's Kitchen

<h3>Variations to Try</h3>

<b>1. Dark Thai Iced Tea (Cha Dam Yen):</b> For those who prefer a less creamy version, skip the milk and enjoy the sweet, tea-infused refreshment.

<b>2. Lime Thai tea (Cha Manao):</b> Adding a twist of lime and a sprig of mint can transform your Thai tea into a zesty beverage.

<h3>Warm Delights for Cooler Days</h3>

Not just a cold drink, Thai tea is equally sumptuous when served hot, making it a perfect companion for cooler days.

<b>1. Thai hot tea (Cha Rorn):</b> It's creamy, smooth, and comforting.

<b>2. Dark Thai hot tea (Cha Dam Rorn):</b> Simply sweetened with sugar and perhaps a dash of lemon, this is for those who love their tea strong and straightforward.

Now, aren't you curious to try making this delectable beverage at home? Whether chilled or hot, Thai tea offers a delightful escape to the flavors of Thailand with each sip. Remember, authenticity comes from using traditional ingredients and techniques. So, grab your tea leaves and let's brew some magic!

<h3>Engage and Experience</h3>

What could be more exciting than bringing a piece of Thailand into your kitchen? Share your Thai tea creations on social media or comment below with your favorite variations! Curious about other unique beverages around the world? Drop a hint, and maybe your favorite will be the next feature!